Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Time to Wake Up

I feel as if today we have passed a point in Space/Time that is now irreversible.
The Point of No Return.
The Die is Cast.

Our future is determined by forces we never even imagined.
There is something in the air today.
The Earth is breathing a sigh.
The sigh of resignation.

The Past is Gone - the Future is uncertain at best.
No time left to change our minds or change our ways.

A gray fog is drifting across the fields, farms, forests, and deserts.
It is worse in the cities of senseless sensation and unending mindless consumption.

If there is some kind of Protector for Gaia  it is time for it / them, to step up to the plate.
The time of Reckoning is near.
The cycles are repeating.
Heaven or Hell, take your pick -
Something is up that may be coming back down - Hard.

I hope that the Spirit of Hope is a real Spirit and not just vain imaginings
or Homo Sapiens mythology.

Wake up and Look Up!
The Rats are deserting the ships -
The creators of Deception and Destruction are digging in
in hopes of avoiding the coming devastation.

The Future doesn't look very bright right now.

© Mar 13, 2016 Philip G. DeLoach

The Glass Bottom Boat

We drift along watching our lives go by
like tourists in a glass bottom boat.
We see ourselves and others going about the daily struggle.

Somehow we feel a disconnect.
Why are we attracted to some people
and repelled by others?

Is everything we have ever learned wrong?

I have always heard that we are what we think.
We attract what we think about and how we feel.
I want to know what the ultimate reason for our existence is.
Why are we here, now?

I think most of what passes for knowledge that we
were taught in school is bullshit, spoon fed to us by idiots.
They don't know any more than we do.
They just have a Certificate that says they know what they know.

I think a time is coming soon that will separate the wheat from the chaff
and the ones who care and he ones who do not.

I have watched as many of the people I called friends
have distanced themselves from me because I don't participate in the groups
and conversations that I suppose were the only thing holding our friendship together.

I miss them.
I think they have forgotten about me.
No one has time for anything but survival any more.
Just like when we were hunters and gatherers.
Only now we use computers and smart appliances.

All the time saving devices just cause us to work more and live less.
The material world is not a User Friendly place any more.
I think Love, Art, and Music are the only things that really matter.

Where will you be when Gaia gives birth to a new world?

© Feb.16, 2016 Philip G. DeLoach

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Lost my Rose Colored Glasses

Look outside.
Look inside.
Look all around you.
Find the answer to the unasked question.
Ask the question that has no answer.

The riddle of the Sphinx.
Who has the authority to determine what intelligent
in intelligent life means?

Anybody can be an expert if they read enough books
written by other experts.
Experts have gotten society to where we are now.
Do you like the direction the world is taking?

Who is really running this dog and pony show?
If we only knew.
Anyone who really knows is not talking.

What is the mortality rate from the disease of Affluenza?
Money is the answer.
Money is the problem.
Money is the solution.

Whose idea was money anyway?

Can you rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time?
Whatever you do don't try it!

©Jan. 8, 2016 Philip G. DeLoach